Life that we live now is full of a lot of pressures and frustrations to keep up with the rapid pace of life
to deal with traffic jams
Attempt to cope with all the social obligations, which we find ourselves obliged to do and of course
continuing our attempt to answer on how much calls and messages
Which we receive through the mobile phone every hour, we do not need to mention all the household chores, which lies on our shoulders in addition to child-rearing
But do not surrender all of these pressures?
Of course not
It must stop and think all of us in health and in ways to relax and restore activity to complement the
process of life
There are many ways that help to relieve stress, for example
Exercise, yoga, or massage .
Many men and women look at massage as a luxury which only exists in the luxurious health clubs,
But in fact, the type of massage therapies old, who helps to relieve stress
It also helps to improve many cases, organic
Many doctors now encourage their patients to resort to supplementary massage therapy for medical
treatment because the treatment has proven massage
Useful in some cases the effect of treatment by the traditional weak such as headaches, chronic back
pain, muscle pain, and pressure
All the psychological side effects followed by the
Taste The Best
Vantura Massage invites you to live beautiful moments of your life
In order to savor the taste of comfort and calmness and relaxation
We offer you the best experiences of massage specialists to the work of all kinds of massage.
You and Your Wife
Using the finest natural oils suitable for massage
By following the best ways to get to the comfort and relaxation and recovery of the body and the
maximum possible benefit.
To get rid of all the pains that afflict the human body in all areas of the body.
To get rid of fatigue and stress in humans as a result of problems in life.
To get rid of back pain and neck and foot pain, and all found in the body.
There are trainers Male for men - and trainers Female for women
Do not need to worry With us maintain complete privacy.
You and your wife
Put you in touch wherever you are in the house or hotel or in the office or anywhere else
in Cairo - Egypt
Also do not forget your children, we have a very special massage for children helps to grow faster and
significantly and the growth of a safe.
And with us to know:
* • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ * Benefits of Massage * • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ *
* • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ * Types of Massage * • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ *
* • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ * The best time to massage • ~ -. ¸ ¸,. - ~ *
And now we have: the Oriental or Moroccan & Turkish Bath ( Hammam ) At your home.
Booking & inquiries:
المعادى – شارع النصر - بجوار مدرسة امجاد الدولية
Maadi – EL Nasr St, \ next to Amjad International School
You welcome to our Basic Page at facebock:
مساج فانتورا مصر MASSAGE VANTURA EGYPT